Oceanographers in your classroom

June 6th 2022 - June 10th 2022

Oceanographers in your classes (Ocean week) aims to bring together french-speaking young school students (from 6 to 11 years old) to discover all aspects of Oceanography through a week of scientific webinars, adapted to children and offered by young researchers in oceanography. The week of webinars will take place around World Oceans Day (June 8) from June 6 to June 10, 2022. Completely online and in french, many classes will be able to participate in several webinars per day, and will have the chance to ask questions live to our speakers, to watch the webinars’ replay, and to ask questions by email.

More details on our website : https://oceanoclasse.wixsite.com/semaineocean/

Partners : L’Institut France-Québec pour la coopération scientifique en appui au secteur maritime (IFQM) ; Québec-Océan ; Canadian Commission for UNESCO ; French National Committee of Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS-France) ; École en Réseau (ÉER) ; Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants (EBTSOYP) ; L’Odyssée des Sciences (CRSNG) ; Réseaux Québec Maritime (RQM) ; L’organisation Bleue (Ocean Week Canada) ; Parlons Sciences.


Category: Presentation, Indoors
Region: Canada Wide
Audience: Kids & Families
Accessibility: French


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