What can you do to help the ocean?

Welcome to the Blue Learning Lab! Why a 'lab'?

Labs are places we go to explore and discover, to gain perspectives, and deepen our understanding.

We’ve curated some fantastic resources to help you celebrate the ocean. Whether you’re an educator, an artist, or an ocean enthusiast in general, you’ll find lots of ideas on how you can deepen your knowledge, connect with others, and take action.

Start with getting inspired by stories from coastal communities and Indigenous Water Guardians. Immerse yourself in Ocean, Freshwater, and Us giant floor map, dive into one of our curated toolkits, or get involved by volunteering your time as a community scientist or engaging in a campaign!

Video Collection

Coastal Stories

Canada is as diverse as we are big. Soak up the beauty and listen to stories shared by communities from Canada’s three coasts: Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific.

Indigenous Water Guardians

Indigenous Water and Coastal Guardians are continuing the work of their ancestors. Hear their stories and learn about ways to support their work.

Coastal and underwater ecosystems

Hakai video collections, available on YouTube at @HakaiVideos, offer an immersive exploration of the natural world with a specific focus on coastal ecosystems.

Imagine walking on a giant map!

Did you know all waterways are connected? There’s nothing like following the flow with your feet to REALLY wrap your head around this incredible fact! Interested in hosting the giant floor map?


Discover the Toolkits