Video Collection

Indigenous Water Guardians

Indigenous Peoples have been taking care of water for thousands of years. Today, Indigenous Guardians continue to honour this responsibility on behalf of Indigenous Nations. This work is rooted in Indigenous laws, knowledge, science, and culture, and it helps conserve vibrant freshwaters and oceans for all people. Hear Guardians stories and learn about ways to support their work.

Coastal Stories 

Everyone knows Canada is a country of water. But what you may not know is that Canada also has the longest coastline of any country. The regional, cultural, and biological diversity of our coastal communities, touching the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic, is something to be celebrated.

The coastal stories shared in this collection, curated by the Students on Ice Foundation, teach us the importance of place-based knowledge and community well-being. We all have a responsibility to listen to, learn from, and support our diverse coastal communities.

Coastal and underwater ecosystems

Hakai video collections, available on YouTube at @HakaiVideos, offer an immersive exploration of the natural world with a specific focus on coastal ecosystems. From marine wildlife encounters to scientific research expeditions, the Hakai video collections provide a valuable platform for education, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of our planet’s coastal environments.