Ocean, Freshwater, and Us Giant Floor Map & Augmented Reality App Training

November 16th 2022 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Join education leads from the Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition, Ocean School (National Film Board of Canada) and Canadian Geographic Education for a co-hosted workshop to learn about the new Ocean, Freshwater, and Us giant floor map and augmented reality (AR) experience for school communities.

The giant floor map in combination with the AR app enhances classroom learning and inspires thinking, enabling learners to discover marine environments and watersheds in Canada through immersive, multisensory self-directed inquiry.

The AR experience includes two Ocean Week Canada video collections: Coastal Stories curated by the Students on Ice Foundation, and Indigenous Water Guardians curated by the Indigenous Leadership Initiative and partners and communities.

This workshop aims to familiarise educators with the use of the AR app and highlight the accompanying curriculum-linked learning materials to collectively bring learning to life across grade levels and subject areas.


Category: Community Science, Presentation, Indoors
Region: Canada Wide
Audience: Adults | Adultes (19+)
Accessibility: English, French


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