Experiential Learning

Inspire a love of learning through hands-on experiences in the local community. Blue Schools Canada provides various experiential learning opportunities. Choose your path, roll up your sleeves, and dive-in.


Choose Your Experience


Blue Schools Experiential Learning Grant

Ocean, Freshwater, and Us
Giant Floor Map

Community Water Quality
Testing – Water Rangers

Blue Schools Experiential Learning Grant

Ocean, Freshwater, and Us
Giant Floor Map

Community Water Quality
Testing – Water Rangers


Blue Schools Experiential Learning Grant

Blue Schools Experiential Learning Grant


Fuel Your Classroom Adventures

The Blue Schools Canada Experiential Learning Grant provides funding for teachers to facilitate immersive marine and freshwater education experiences with their students. This grant supports field trips, guest speakers, and hands-on activities, connecting students with aquatic ecosystems and experts in the field. This grant opportunity is exclusively for educators in the Blue Schools Canada network.


Ocean, Freshwater, and Us Giant Floor Map

Ocean, Freshwater, and Us Giant Floor Map


Explore Marine Conservation in Canada, One Step at a Time

Immerse students in an interactive learning experience with our Giant Floor Map. This innovative tool combines geospatial exploration, cutting-edge immersive technologies, and storytelling to foster critical thinking, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of ocean and freshwater systems and conservation efforts in Canada.


Community Water Quality Testing

Community Water Quality Testing


Become a Water Ranger

Water Rangers empower students to become citizen scientists and stewards of their local waterways. Using their testing protocols and equipment, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and environmental stewardship skills while deeply connecting to their communities through water quality monitoring.


Ready to Explore?

Prepare students for deeper learning by accessing our two curated toolkits for schools.


Ocean Learning

This toolkit is designed for K-12 educators and students across Canada, both coastal and inland. It aims to engage learners in ocean education, deepen their ocean awareness and connection, and inspire action in classrooms and beyond.


Ocean School

The Ocean School Toolkit has been created for teachers, particularly middle school grades, to help educators bring the ocean into their classroom. This immersive and innovative tool enables students to better understand their influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on them.


Ocean Learning

This toolkit is designed for K-12 educators and students across Canada, both coastal and inland. It aims to engage learners in ocean education, deepen their ocean awareness and connection, and inspire action in classrooms and beyond.

Ocean School

The Ocean School Toolkit has been created for teachers, particularly middle school grades, to help educators bring the ocean into their classroom. This immersive and innovative tool enables students to better understand their influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on them.


Tips for effective integration

These tips are designed to help teachers seamlessly integrate community/citizen science initiatives into their classroom practice. These approaches aim to create an engaging learning environment that fosters scientific inquiry, data literacy, and environmental stewardship among students through participation in real-world research projects.