Behaviour Change


Better World, One Goal at a Time

Discover practical ways to contribute to global sustainability with Good Life Goals. Explore three interconnected goals that align with ocean and freshwater conservation efforts and learn how your actions can positively impact the planet.

Climate Action
Life below water
Life on land
Climate Action
Life below water
Life on land

Test Your Sustainability Knowledge

Challenge yourself with the Blue Nudge Quiz and expand your understanding of sustainability.


Make Sustainable Seafood Choices

Did you know that Canadians, on average, consume over 8.5Kg of food from the sea per person each year? Explore some tools to help you choose which seafood to put on your plate while supporting a healthy ocean ecosystem and sustainable fishing practices.


Canada’s Seafood Guide

A travel-sized guide can help you make sustainable seafood choices. It uses a colour-coded key based on fishing or farming methods. The guide also includes essential questions to ask when shopping or dining to aid in your decision-making.

Photo credit: Adrien Sala (Unsplash)

Switch To Sustainable Seafood

Food insecurity is a growing global concern, but supporting sustainable fisheries and aquaculture offers a solution. By making sustainable seafood choices and supporting responsible fishers, we can help protect this vital resource and ensure food security.

Photo credit: askabiologist

Canada’s Seafood Guide

A travel-sized guide can help you make sustainable seafood choices. It uses a colour-coded key based on fishing or farming methods. The guide also includes essential questions to ask when shopping or dining to aid in your decision-making.

Photo credit: Adrien Sala (Unsplash)

Switch To Sustainable Seafood

Food insecurity is a growing global concern, but supporting sustainable fisheries and aquaculture offers a solution. By making sustainable seafood choices and supporting responsible fishers, we can help protect this vital resource and ensure food security.

Photo credit: askabiologist

Embrace Eco-Friendly Habits

Discover practical tips from the World Wildlife Federation on conserving water and combating climate change through small, everyday actions.


Switch to Cold

The campaign led by Metro Vancouver aims to raise awareness about microfibers from laundry contributing to ocean pollution. Washing clothes in cold water helps reduce microfiber shedding, prolongs the life of clothes, and minimizes colour fading. Learn more and discover what else you can do you to make a positive impact.


Uncover the Hidden Impact of Trash

Investigate the link between discarded trash and stormwater drains, and discover ways to lessen your environmental footprint. Understanding this connection allows you to take actionable steps to protect community waterways.


Greener Ways to Clear Our Roads

Check out the article published by Watersheds Canada to uncover the challenges and potential solutions to the road salt dilemma. Explore alternative methods being tested worldwide to find more environmentally friendly ways to keep our roads safe during the winter.


Switch to Cold

The campaign led by Metro Vancouver aims to raise awareness about microfibers from laundry contributing to ocean pollution. Washing clothes in cold water helps reduce microfiber shedding, prolongs the life of clothes, and minimizes colour fading. Learn more and discover what else you can do you to make a positive impact.

Uncover the Hidden Impact of Trash

Investigate the link between discarded trash and stormwater drains, and discover ways to lessen your environmental footprint. Understanding this connection allows you to take actionable steps to protect community waterways.

Greener Ways to Clear Our Roads

Check out the article published by Watersheds Canada to uncover the challenges and potential solutions to the road salt dilemma. Explore alternative methods being tested worldwide to find more environmentally friendly ways to keep our roads safe during the winter.