Ocean Through My Eyes

June 1st 2024 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Calgary, Alberta



Join us for ‘Ocean Through My Eyes”, an in person event at the Foothills Alliance Church NW Calgary, Alberta.

A total of 20-30 children aged 6-18 years from ethnocultural and multicultural communities are encouraged to participate.

Participants will be divided into two age groups: 6-12 years and 13-18 years.

The theme of the project is “Ocean Through My Eyes”. Two facilitators have been recruited with expertise in art and cultural sensitivity to guide the children in interpreting the theme and creating their artwork. Facilitator will help participants explore different perspectives and artistic techniques to express their thoughts and feelings about the ocean.

Two or three judges with expertise in art and cultural diversity, have been invited to evaluate the paintings based on creativity, interpretation of the theme, and artistic merit. Each painting will receive a score from the judges, and voting by community members and local leaders to select the winners.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three performers in each age group as determined by the judges and community votes!

To register, contact ara.zaman12@gmail.com or taibanaman@gmail.com


Foothills Alliance Church, Edgepark Boulevard Northwest, Calgary, AB, Canada
Category: Presentation, Interactive Event, Indoors, Arts-Based / Music
Region: Prairies | Prairies
Audience: Kids & Families, Adults | Adultes (19+)
Accessibility: Wheelchair Accessible, English


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Ocean Through My Eyes Ocean Through My Eyes
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Calgary, AB